Posted by: SandreS | May 20, 2024

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Filling the Redemptive Gap

by — A.E. Knoch


The Pleroma: Paul’s “Lost” Teaching

The Complement of Christ, of God, and of the Ages

A Comprehensive Compilation

Ephesians and Colossians are the epistles of divine fullness, and one of the most profound Greek words used by Paul to characterize important aspects of the revelation surrounding the Secret Administration is pleroma (πλήρωμα). This groundbreaking work expounds on the pinnacle truths of the Pleroma, revealing depths of glory that few have ever contemplated or realized. A.E. Knoch (1874-1965) wrote: “Well-nigh lost is the dominating doctrine of the Pleroma or fullness.” Divine realization of the Pleroma will significantly transform one’s understanding of God’s Word. This is a unique compilation of 22 authors, spanning over 100 years, with 24 chapters and 20 appendixes.

(#3814) 240 pages, paperback.

$22.95 (plus s&h)

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