Posted by: SandreS | December 28, 2012

Weight Gain & Weight Loss

Have you ever notice how men are so mindlessly led along by the currents of society? Often without even realizing it, our “choices” are thrust on us by the predetermined plots of others.

Let’s use the seasonal media and advertising as an example of the manipulation of an entire society.

Every year, during the last 9 weeks of the calendar, that block of Halloween-Thanksgiving-Christmas-New Year’s Day, we are bombard with an endless parade of food, candy and sweets that we are encouraged to buy and prepare. Why? Well, because we are just supposed to. After all it is the “Holiday season,” and as a result, we gain weight.

Then at the beginning of the year they want to sell us weight loss pills, diet books, exercise equipment and gym memberships. They attempt to profit from our weight gain, and then from our weight loss; and many of us mindlessly follow their lead.

Vanity of vanities (Ecclesiastes 1:2).

Clyde L. Pilkington, Jr.


  1. Yes, those “predetermined plots.” How we are led to see that our “choices” really are planted as seeds in our minds by those predetermined plotters. This is why we need to preach the gospel so that we can counteract all those other agendas and other seeds that are so prevalent in the consciousness of mankind.
    This is a very concise and informative entry. Thank you.



  2. How do I email Clyde directly with a comment about something he wrote. Have not been able to find such an email address…


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